Haven't really been composing much lately, but this one just kind of popped out in one night...inspired by some recent purchases...
This is part of a new project I'm working on that will probably take forever. This track isn't 100% finished as I'll probably fiddle with the mix. But it reminds me of stuff I used to do back in the mid-1980s (ergo, neo-retro Emdot).
The sequenced part is from AlgoMusic's Atomic using its built-in synth. It's actually one of the factory presets but it sounded so much like one of my old JX-3P sequences that I had to use it. The rest of the music is what I used to have in my mind but didn't have the gear to actually create.
RexNem25:39, about 6MB (VBR mp3)
[It has a fairly slow fade-in so watch your volume]
The project this is for is actually a podcast of an unfinished sci-fi novel I'm writing called
Rex Nemorensis. I want to do a full reading of the novel, but do it as if it were a dramatization. It'll have the full narrative, but all the dialog will be voice acted like a radio show with music and sound FX. I'd really, really like to find someone to do graphic novel style illustrations to run throughout the podcast (still pictures but with camera movement kind of like what they do with old photos in documentaries)...Ambitious? Me? Not sure the project will ever be done, but it's nice to think about.
This is one of 3 songs I've got started for the project. Here's the VSTi list used (which is going to be fairly consistent throughout the project):
AlgoMusic/BK SynthLab's Atomic
GMedia's Virtual String Machine
Rob Papen's Albino3 (x2)
AlgoMusic's M42
GMedia's Oddity
HG Fortune's STS-21 Pro
HG Fortune's ProtoPlasm Pro
HG Fortune's STS-24 Pro