Ok, so made an album last summer and noone really ever heard it. I've been thinking on a solution to that and I've just decided that I'm gonna post it up on here so that should any of you poor misguided souls wish to hear it, then you can.
The album is themed and also cronological. It's a do***ent of a relationship that I was in for about five years and as such it has ups and downs. The songs were all meant to fade into each other when burned together onto CD. Should any of you actually want it in it's entirety then write me a pm and I will send you one. If you dont care about those sorts of things then you can just listen if you like. I'll post all of the songs on the forum. There are ten in all.
This is track eight, Swallowing Nightmares. It is probably the only one that I thought could possibly go in to this section. The subject matter is a bit dark though probably not evil. This song is built around a poem written by then friend/now girlfriend. (much good came from making this group of songs
) The attempt was to give the female perspective of the the breakup. I thought that that would be more interesting as a concept than just another broken-hearted guy crying about lost love. I hope that you enjoy. I'll be scattering the rest around the forum in the next few days probably.
Swallowing Nightmares
I awoke and lay still, spooned
tight against his back, my face
shored between his shoulder blades
like a river gripping its banks,
palm pressed flat against
his chest, trying to pull
him into me.
My mind was quiet
with dreams that slipped away
like fog rolling down
to the caverns of the unremembered.
When his face turned,
pale and wet with fear,
I drank the bitter salt
of his nightmares, dreams
in which I grew tired
of spending forever with him
and pushed him away
with frost-bitten feet.
I didn’t know then
that soon the banks protecting
my face would soften and give way,
that the salty nightmares I swallowed
would grow in my own eyes,
swimming like fish down my cheeks
and into the flooded river.
All I knew was that moment
which wrapped itself in the spiraling
arms of the galaxy
and lives on, permanently,
remembered or not.
And now I lie in bed, spooned
tight against another back, nose pressed
against another shoulder blade,
fingers curled in the bristly hairs
of another chest, trying to pull
him into me,
my mind quiet
with the fear of future dreams,
nightmares curling their tails
into my waking life.