Yes it should be interesting as a project.
And it can go anywhere. Just as an example, and not to push it in that direction, my track 'Mr. president' was a small attempt in that direction.
Since it was just a first attempt, i failed in a couple domains but allso was succesfull in others.
The bass played, is a typical jazz bass line, only aspect that was changed, was the processing of the sound. It is played by 2 freealfa synths and processed with a heavy chorus.
The most interesting experiment was the drum track, it is actually a very typical jazz pattern that is played. The difference is that it is not played trough a standard drumkit, but trough a sampler with only one sample that is detuned depending on the note it receives. To make it more intersting as a rythmic pattern I added a syncronised ping-pong delay. And to get the typical electronic rythme, I added the synth kick to it.
Another example is the synth in the right channel, which is atually based on 2 typical rithmic guitar patterns. They again are played by 2 freealpha synths which are slightly delayed.
Where I failed (for the moment) is in the chord progression, it seems quit hard to make complicated chordprogressions in electronic music. It just didn't sound right, so I had to simplify. This seems quit common in electronic music.... if I look at Jean Michel Jarre tracks, I see that they are all very simple from a point of view of chord progressions, sometimes he uses interesting keys but he allways keeps it simple. Klaus Shultze (see for those that don't know him) pushed this concept further and makes use of more complicated harmonies, especialy in his later albums.
This is just an idea where this could go, unlimited possibilities
A real challenge !