I don't remember this - must have missed it. Lots of energy in this song. Like the style changes as it develops.
Here is your commentary from the original;
"You have a good song, and some very good backing sections, but for me the whole doesn't hang together. The changes are too extreme and, for me, don't flow naturally.
The into has a very sea-faring sound.
When the vocal starts the backing seems more like a light jaunt, but that fits the words.
The change at 'The sun breaks...' is a bit of a surprise, however the interlude flows quite well into 'Bound for no ports'
This again leads quite well into an interlude which seems to prepare for something quite dramatic. The words are, but the tune is quite wrong, almost flippant.
The next change seems to get more on track for the backing, but somehow doesn't have as much punch as I would have expected to drive the lyrics.
By the time you reach 'An elemental force' I would have expected the music to have a real sense of desperation, but it just isn't there.
I hope this doesn't sound overly critical"
The title of this latest version,is actually incorrect...as I overlooked the second version I had done.Both were from late 2007...so I would not be surprised if nobody remembers the earlier versions.
Thanks for commenting...once again.
Here's the very first version...