I'm delighted to join kara-moon musicians. My name is Dan Tong, and I live in Chicago, IL (USA). I'm afraid I don't write much music, but simply perform music others have written. I play primarily an Akai EWI wind controller (3020 and 4000s -which I need to calibrate properly). Anyone familiar w the new Akai 4000s?
I heard about kara-moon at one of the Band-in-a-Box Forums where I was telling people about how good some of the acoustic sounds are in my new Ketron SD2 synthesizer. The best breathy sax sounds I have ever heard. The trumpets, and the Clarinet is also very good. As you can tell I'm mostly interested in synth sounds that most closely resemble acoustic instruments and I play mostly jazz and a bit of classical music now and then. I notice that Kara or Moon also uses a wind controller (Yamaha). I highly recommend the Ketron SD2 to anyone who has been looking for realistic sounding wind, brass, and string patches.