This is a really nice, well produced piece.
Don't know if you want (or need) critique ... but I'd suggest one thing: When writing (composing) try to keep one dominant theme. Seems to my ears (and they are not the best!) that you really have 2 or 3 different themes going on; almost like they could be 2 or 3 different songs. Now, you do hold them together by using great voicing choices, and that's a good thing. Most of the stuff I do is the "old fashioned" AABA style, so YMMV
But, despite my criticism, it's very enjoyable.
Thanks for sharing.
Criticism is always welcomed and I understand your reason for it.However....I've done plenty of conventional tunes in the past,so I am just rolling with whatever comes to mind.I guess my recent compositions would fall under the category of experimental and I think such compositions keep things interesting(in terms of not being redundant.)
Thanks for your input and I appreciate the accolades!