Kara-Moon Forum

Developers & Technology => Musical MIDI Accompaniment (MMA) => Topic started by: kara on September 15, 2006, 03:21:29 PM

Title: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: kara on September 15, 2006, 03:21:29 PM
If users want to share MMA songs, please reply to this topic



Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: kara on September 17, 2006, 07:37:52 PM
ok I've started this, so I better upload somehting

Here is the first one : Apache from the Shadows


Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: kara on September 17, 2006, 07:40:03 PM
And a second one : You are the Sunshine of my live by Stevie Wonder

This one is structured in macros as a demo.
Perfact example how you can avoid to type to much, ideal for lazy people like me

Title: Giant Steps, Blue Bossa & Straight, No Chaser
Post by: david on September 18, 2006, 09:05:17 AM
Very, very, very simple  ;)

Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: kara on September 18, 2006, 10:06:33 AM
HI , great David
Nice to excercise your personnal key knowledge & jamming capacities :)

Thanks for those.


Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: kara on September 25, 2006, 12:24:31 PM
You know Amazing Grace ?

here are the chords :)

Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: kara on September 25, 2006, 12:41:37 PM
Another one everybody knows

Let it be from The Beatles

Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: brenzi on October 01, 2006, 12:12:25 PM
I promised a whole lot of songs when I asked for a sharing database....here's all I converted from biab. I found these songs mainly on http://www.wesleydick.com/Songlist.html. 
Be aware that all songs were automagically converted and have not been verified nor edited. So they may just contain crap. If you find bugs, please let me know because this would mean a bug in my biabconverter script.

If someone is interested in the lilypond output of these songs as well, please contact me...




Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: kara on October 01, 2006, 02:35:36 PM
Wow 3800 songs !!!!
Great !

Now I have to ask Moon how we will get those in our database, I hope i don't have to put them in 1 by 1 ....

Moon..... HELP !!!!!

Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: Moon on October 02, 2006, 07:06:14 AM
No problem. I Can get this done. Simply create a directory with the files and a descriptive text or xls files with more or less the fields of the upload. After that, I take care of the upload from there...

I also will do something about the download sections, since this one probably needs some search functionalities.

We'll get this on the way in no time  ;D

Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: brenzi on October 02, 2006, 08:02:15 AM
in the submitted zip file there's a file named "biabconverter.list". this might help you. It contains all info biabconverter could get from the converted files


Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: kara on October 02, 2006, 09:41:14 AM
Thanks Alain

We are working at it, should be ready pretty soon.
This will be great for MMA !
3880 songs :)

Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: Moon on October 04, 2006, 06:17:10 PM
I'm looking for the "biabconverter.list" file which seems to be missng in the zip file I received.
Kara, help me out here please ! >:(

Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: brenzi on October 04, 2006, 06:27:00 PM
might be my mistake....I had to zip it because you don't accept *.list files :-(


Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: kara on October 05, 2006, 01:44:53 PM
No problem, I'll take the style out of the MMA file and add it to the meta file.
Just give me 5 min to make a conversion script

I'm looking for the "biabconverter.list" file which seems to be missng in the zip file I received.
Kara, help me out here please ! >:(

Title: Extrange chords ...
Post by: david on October 06, 2006, 12:14:12 PM
Hey, the songs collection is great! Good job!
But ...
I've found X7alt and X69 chords in some mma files, and mma complains about this chords.

Is it an error in BiaB converter or should MMA accept this notation?

Thanks in advance.


Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: brenzi on October 06, 2006, 12:55:26 PM
Hi David.

Thanks for reporting this. It is a bug (or a feature:) in biabconverter. The Question now is (to Bob:) if we could extend mma's chord vocabulary, because I think these chords are quite common. Especially X7alt should be supported for jazz.


Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: bvdp on October 06, 2006, 04:46:43 PM
On the 7alt and 6/9 chords I'm having some private mail with Alain on this and am sorting it out. They will be in the next release. In the meantime you can define the chords yourself (probably in a mmarc file?). See defchord in the fine manual.

And if others are finding missing chords, please let me know. I do what things as complete as possible. If you send me a note please show the chord notes and the associated scale for a C chord. For example:

  Chord C7 - C  E G Bb
  scale       - C D E F G A Bb

One minor issue with the 6/9 chord is that MMA assumes that this is a slash chord. So I will probably end up renaming to a "69" chord. Either that, or I can do a "special case" in the chord code which internally converts a "6/9" to "69" and then let mma run and be happy. Comments on this appreciated. Please mail me <bob@mellowood.ca> so I don't miss it.


Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: Moon on October 06, 2006, 07:06:35 PM
OK, guys. Good news: there are now 3866 songs to download from the MMA download sections !  :)
You can select on the style of the song.

You'll see that I didn't put too much time in the layout... but don't forget all of this is volunteers work  ;)

I hope this section will be used a lot.

...Also don't forget to say "thank you" to Brenzie for providing us the MMA songs and Kara for the support with the conversion to the database.


P.S.: Upload section is almost final and will be finished by tomorow...

Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: brenzi on October 06, 2006, 09:00:24 PM
Ey Moon..thanks a lot for that great work.
Unfortunately I didn't spend too much time in finding correct translations from Biab styles to MMA styles. So most probably a lot of tunes are marked with a not-so-accurate (=>completely wrong) style. Sorry for that. But once we have a lot of corresponding styles in MMA or SOMEONE writes a biab-style-converter we could re-convert all these songs.

Good night...at least in my part of the globe...

Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: kara on October 07, 2006, 08:26:06 AM
Not a BIAB converter, but we could have a big surprise in a couple of days...
So stay tuned !!

... SOMEONE writes a biab-style-converter we could re-convert all these songs.


Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: brenzi on October 07, 2006, 09:37:18 AM
Not a BIAB converter, but we could have a big surprise in a couple of days...
So stay tuned !!
hmm...come on kara, tell us more about that surprise! ;-)

For what concerns the wrong styles the biabconverter.list file could help. It mentions the biab-style and the selected MMA style. So you see immediately if the choice does make sense...

biab style AFRICAN translates to SWING....so, obviously...this tune won't sound well without manual work.
But: there would be a lot more corresponding style pairs than there are listed in biabconverter. If someone is eager to volounteer ... it's an easy job to just find more pairs and list them in biabconverter's lookup table.

My big hope for MMA would be a great set of new styles. I think here lies the biggest potential for this software. As Bob says, MMA is mature. But to my musical ear this applies not yet for the style library. The stdlib-styles are great work, but for jazz I'm missing a wider choice of styles, especially "light" ones with only minimalistic accompaniment. I wrote only two styles myself. I'll share them as soon as I'm happy with 'em.

Title: Re: MMA songs, share them here !
Post by: bvdp on October 08, 2006, 04:40:14 PM

To follow up on the earlier post about 7alt and 6/9 chords. I've added to MMA the following:

1. 7alt is now an alias for 7b5b9. Not a perfect choice at all times, but probably good enough.

2. 69 is now an alias for 6(add9). The notation 6/9 just doens't work with MMA's naming scheme.

These 2 will be in the next release (1.0RC1) which will be out (hopefully) before Oct 15/2006.

Thanks to Alain for help on this.
