Title: Just Having Fun Post by: MarioD on February 17, 2023, 04:09:37 PM Just a quick and dirty jam where I am trying to learn how to play a blues harp VSTi. I'll let you decide if I did OK or not OK.
I am playing the lead guitar and via my MIDI keyboard controller the blues harp. Band-in-a-Box is playing the remaining tracks. https://soundcloud.com/mario_guitar/just-having-fun-1 Title: Re: Just Having Fun Post by: folderol on February 17, 2023, 07:29:54 PM Very good sound from the harp. Just one minor nit-pick your "player" must have exceptionally good lungs for some of those long notes :P
Title: Re: Just Having Fun Post by: MarioD on February 19, 2023, 05:23:00 PM Thanx Will.
I have gotten a lot of "the harp sounds great in the lower registers but not so good in the upper registers:" comments also. I have learned a lot with this little experiment. Title: Re: Just Having Fun Post by: Moon on February 22, 2023, 07:49:04 AM Nice groove... good music for when I'm in a lazy mood ;)