So, like, I've been working forever on drum programming/arranging/slicing/dicing/mixing/mastering, etc. on the second Granville CD . . . The first single from this CD, a song called Evening Trains, has been released on the
Granville MySpace page.
Aside from mixing, mastering, and a lot of audio track manipulation (which hopefully isn't really very obvious) I did the drums on this in Battery 2 and the string synth with Benedict's Janus synth (from the Synth Studio Pack I).
Anyone familiar with my work will quickly realize this isn't my normal style. But I've worked in rock formats before and have been a close collaborator with Granville (aka Brian Myers) for longer than a lot of you have been on this once green earth.
Two more songs coming up fairly soon.
Check it out and if you like, I'm sure Granville would like a few more friends!