Hi folks at Kara moon. I have been gone for a bit, here's one of the things I have been working on...enjoy!
My cohorts and I are very proud to present the second installment of our A La Kart compilations including music by 22tape, 3am , Jazzyspoon, Madder Than You and zoozither . We have all devoted the last few months to producing the best work we are capable of and hopefully you all can enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Thanks goes to Jared (22tape) for making all this happen and to The Method Most Used for the artwork and a special thanks to Allen (Madder Than You) for being such an awesome addition to the crew!
Follow the link to the album page!
A LA KART vol. 2
For $7.00 you get 15 tracks in MP3, FLAC or M4A format.
1. Madder than you - Bose-Einstein Condensate 2. 3am - Deft Avoidance 3. zoozither - Tokyo Bullet Train 4. Madder than you - There all along 5. Jazzyspoon - Recherche 6. 22tape - So Cool 7. zoozither - Razorpainter 8. 3am - Peligro de Amor 9. Jazzyspoon - Eden 10. zoozither - Outspace 11. 22tape - Dischordance 12. 3am - Back-lit Moment 13. Jazzyspoon - 2morrow 14. Madder than you - Fanfare for Molodar 15. zoozither - Unstuck in TimeI figured it might be nice to include the demos here

This release also marks the launch of a collective...
The A LA KART Collective
this is a follow up to our still available freebie download CD
"A La Kart". (click on the title to go to the download page)
More to come...