Easy to do
1. Convert you wav file to mp3, most visitors want an MP3 to listen directly in there favorite music reader
2. goto
www.kara-moon.com/forum3. In the forum choose the section that you want (Show off your music or PG musicians)
4. Click on new topic
5. Enter a topic tiltle and the text
6. Click on 'Additional Options'
7. Next to attach you have a button Browse, click on it and choose your song to be uploaded
8. Now click on post and wait, it take some time for the song to be uploaded
9. Once your song is uploaded, you be directed to your post
10. Now you at the bottom of youre message you'll see your song, right-click on the link and choose 'Copy the shortcut'
Now you can paste that shortcut in any other forum and you'll have a direct link to your song.
Hope this helps
