Today I finished my recycle project. It look like this (see below).
In fact, I took a 10 year old PC-case (small enough to fit in a rack), squeezed in a 4 year old pc in there, made a nice cover with 2 leds and 2 buttons, added a nice sound interface and a 10 year old very nice VA synth. Result: a very functional rock stable great sounding easy movable setup

Despite the PC's age, it stll is working great. The PC is based on a Q6700 processor with 2GB of RAM. To todays standards, this might seem very modest, but in fact the system prooved to be so stable in the last 4 years that I decided to keep this configuration as my main DAW. It might not be my fastest PC, but it remains my preferred working instrument.
What I'm trying to say: if something works great, don't throw it away because it's getting older but give it a second life !
