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Author Topic: Nord,Kurzweil,Nord,Kurzweil,Nord,Kurzweil...ambivolence...  (Read 4576 times)
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 4478

Studiophile,Audiophile & Synthophile.

« on: September 29, 2007, 08:28:05 AM »

I have been up for half the night now,re-hashing-as to what keyboard I should buy first,and even though I was set on buying the Nord Lead 2X first...I was haunted by
the fear of speculating as to how long the Kurzweil K2661 will continue to be manufactured.
As Oren pointed out in an earlier post,it really is a mystery as to why there are not more people buying up this keyboard...I think the demand should be larger than it is.
One really compelling factor for me is this; I am looking for sound mangling capablities and I especially would like to have this feature in a workstation-and the Kurzweil K2661 delivers this package.
What is especially fascinating about the V.A.S.T. synthesis architecture,is the fact that the synth engine in this keyboard can accurately model or emulate many synthesis processes,as well as some processes no other keyboard is capable of doing.
That being said,I thinks it's safe to draw a reasonable conclusion that the Kurzweil K2661 can be utilized to produce a reasonable facsimile of sounds-like that of a virtual analogue modelling synth,such as the Nord.

Another thing I have taken into consideration,is that the Nord Lead 2X is roughly a year old since it's release,making it still relatively new,whereas the Kurzweil K2661 is now roughly 3 to 4 years old-which may rendered it in more danger of becoming discontinued sooner.

One more reason that has me leaning towards the Kurzweil first,is that after 10 months of job hunting,I have finally landed a job,which will obviously make it alot easier for me to save for the Kurzweil in a more reasonable timeline.

I still want both the Kurzweil and the Nord,but if the Kurzweil K2661 is everything that I anticpate it to be,it certainly would make sense to go with the Kurzweil first.

I know this one really prolific synth player from YouTube and I saw his website and he has a whole roomful of keyboards,but he has never even so much as listened to a Kurzweil...I find that amazingly disturbing!
Few retailers even carry the Kurzweil,much less have it on display and for some reason,it's a very specialized keyboard with very obscure marketing behind it.

It seems to be the keyboard that sells itself,as it does sell consistently,but to a somewhat smaller niche in the market,as if this particular keyboard caters to a very specific category of muscians...hmmmm...I could have insomnia for weeks thinking about this. Shocked

Global Moderator
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 1786

« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2007, 06:16:41 PM »

It's all got to do with marketing !  Wink How do you think that Microsoft won from OS2 which at that time was a better OS ? I say no more.. marketing !  Lips Sealed
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