« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2010, 02:06:45 PM » |
Grat sound guys  Would you mind if I added a little mellow guitar to it?
The older I get the better I was!
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 2597
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2010, 02:13:58 PM » |
Mario, I should have a better backing track up in a few hours. You're welcome to add anything, friend. I thought you might have tried some sax  James
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2010, 04:29:57 PM » |
offthewall.. ok...i'll wait for yer backing trak mate n will do vocs for whole length of song if thats ok with you ?? n you can then critique. you wanna do vocs ?? n me just do a subtle laid back duet in background ?? cos if i remember you mentioned a duet previously ?? i'm easy mate.
MarioD re mellow geetar. go for it mate.
chaps..just an idea n prolly too late to try this. but in my mind i hear the old vegas intro song trik. ie..phased start of instruments at start of song perhaps ?? the bass motif, then the drums slam in, then a jazzy guitar before the first vocal verse starts ?? sorta gradual build up of instrumentation riffing on the jazz motif at start of song before verse uno ?? just an idea. god bless.
its all about THE FUN
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 2597
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2010, 04:45:35 PM » |
 Here is the next mix based on the 'ruff' from Manning. I got 60bpm. In the picture I got markers on the Sections, calling a 4bar phrase a 'part'. Starting in E. Intro 1bar Section1 12bars (3parts) Section2 8bars (2parts) (ends with the silence) keychange to GBridge 4bars (1part) Section3 12bars (3parts) (ends with the silence) Section4 12bars (3parts) Outro 2bars This is, as usual, all subject to change. If you want to put in an introduction ... that's fine. I can just slide everything along.  Do what you like with the vocals and we'll see how it turns out ... I may put in a bit duet later.  James
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2010, 05:45:15 PM » |
I shall be watching this!
If you have a poem, I have a tune, and we exchange these, we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song. - Will
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2010, 06:38:40 PM » |
chaps... attached is the added vocal verses. the whole shebang with offthewall's new backing.. please could you just comment on the lyrics themselves whether they work ?? n the likkle vocal motifs ?? ive left out my vocal scats n lead mario etc can fill in the spaces etc etc in the song. once the instrumentation is fleshed out more and after critique of attached , of course i'll do my final vocs etc etc. but i need critique/feedback first.
if you notice the last verse (old songwritin trik) returns to offthewalls original verse 1.
gimme yer comments mates. bad or good etc etc.
offthewall mate.. if you want my vocs on their own as a guide to include in your reap project just tell me mate n i'll send em.
god bless.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2010, 06:43:18 PM by manning »
its all about THE FUN
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 2597
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2010, 09:33:49 PM » |
 Sweet, send it on, my man.  James
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2010, 10:36:20 PM » |
Like the singing, like the song, like the style, however...
Not so keen on the amount and type of reverb used on the vocal. To me it pushes the singer behind the guitar.
If you have a poem, I have a tune, and we exchange these, we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song. - Will
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2010, 03:25:19 AM » |
chaps.. heres the rufff guide vocs on their ownsome. its a bit difficult cos i just had the bass to tune my vocs to. what i suggest is the rest of the instrumentation get flushed out then i finalise the vocs if thats ok ?? cos i hear various flaws etc etc. god bless. off to beddy byes now. appropo to this song ..i took my dear wife out for the evening.. just got back.
ps..folderol..the rvb is just for ruff guides. helps my energy etc. will cut it down next run thru mate.
its all about THE FUN
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 2597
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2010, 08:33:43 AM » |
 Did some piano last night. The intention is to cut and use sections to intersperse with the other instruments as we get them. I just taken the latest vocal from manning and dropped it in to this mix to see how things scan.  James
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2010, 01:22:35 PM » |
offthewall. re mix3. just some ideas mate. 1. bass trak. mebe pan center ?? eq to bring out the lower mids more ?? on my vocs at the front i put some of your backing trak so you could line up your end mate. you can delete that bit at front if you wish., but listening back to the mix start i rather like how the bass sounds with that bit of rvb. but you or others might not. sorta has a "character". //mojo etc etc. 2. piano. i like the tinkly higher piano notes//honky tonk. mebe tighten up the lower comping ??
i feel the key change works...your opinion ?? does it make things more difficult for you re the bass ??
i'm just gonna muck around for fun..with some geetar rhythm idea today.. which can be replaced by mario, if i get something usefull..will send it to ya.
god bless. ed.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 01:26:05 PM by manning »
its all about THE FUN
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 2597
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2010, 01:26:20 PM » |
manning, comments. I haven't done any sort of processing yet. No EQ's or other treatment. That is all to be done once we get final instrumentation. The bass is actually recorded mono and just dropped in to the middle of the mix. Key change is great. As said... will work on the fine tunings of the mix at a later stage.  James
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2010, 02:52:23 PM » |
offthewall. re your comments. okey dokey mate. makes sense.
mates/ offthewall n mario. i hear in the song a low down in the mix subtle rhythm guitar .. with the occasional what i call "arrangement twinkles". like the high one later on towards end of this example. just some ideas for mario doing the guitar ?? in my example actually the geetar is too high.
btw...offthe wall the example attached is this great finger "squak" at 16 secs ..i vote to leave it in.. going for some breakfast//coffee will check back in a few hours.
god bless. ed.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 02:58:52 PM by manning »
its all about THE FUN
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2010, 02:29:29 AM » |
just checking in...before bedtime. mario ?? are ya gonna do traks on this song mate ?? just curious.
its all about THE FUN
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2010, 01:20:29 AM » |
just checking in...before bedtime. mario ?? are ya gonna do traks on this song mate ?? just curious.
I hope to work on this tomorrow. Life had gotten in the way of my music. The last four days I’ve been extremely busy but I should be able to come up with a part tomorrow. I know what I want to play I just have to play it.
The older I get the better I was!