What are you guys doing in this time of THE VIRUS? Playing out, just staying home, putting tracks up on 'net sites?
I'm in a number of bands ... guess I'm lucky, but I do wonder at times
First off is a community band here in Creston BC Canada. They are having some outdoor practices in a park, but I'm not going since I think that there are too many folks there all blowing various instruments. My wife has COPD, so if she were to catch THE VIRUS from me it could be very serious, or fatal.
Next, I play in a 2 person jazz combo. A lady my age plays piano and sings which I do "things" on sax. We are continuing to practice at her home. I think in another few weeks we might end up playing a few lounge gigs ... I'm hesitant, but life does have to go on, so they say.
Finally, we have a little combo, The Oddballs. My wife sings in this group; a gal plays flute and uke; another lady plays piano; and I play my Roland V-Accordion. We do old-timey stuff and have fun
We used to play at the various senior lodges every few weeks ... but that has ended. So, over the last month we have played at a local park on a bandstand on a Saturday afternoon. Not a lot of folks listening, but they seem to enjoy. Certainly, we are enjoying seeing other people!
So ... what about you?