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Author Topic: What are you doing?  (Read 4367 times)
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 1458

« on: August 29, 2020, 12:05:24 AM »

What are you guys doing in this time of THE VIRUS? Playing out, just staying home, putting tracks up on 'net sites?

I'm in a number of bands ... guess I'm lucky, but I do wonder at times Smiley

First off is a community band here in Creston BC Canada. They are having some outdoor practices in a park, but I'm not going since I think that there are too many folks there all blowing various instruments. My wife has COPD, so if she were to catch THE VIRUS from me it could be very serious, or fatal.

Next, I play in a 2 person jazz combo. A lady my age plays piano and sings which I do "things" on sax. We are continuing to practice at her home. I think in another few weeks we might end up playing a few lounge gigs ... I'm hesitant, but life does have to go on, so they say.

Finally, we have a little combo, The Oddballs. My wife sings in this group; a gal plays flute and uke; another lady plays piano; and I play my Roland V-Accordion. We do old-timey stuff and have fun Smiley We used to play at the various senior lodges every few weeks ... but that has ended. So, over the last month we have played at a local park on a bandstand on a Saturday afternoon. Not a lot of folks listening, but they seem to enjoy. Certainly, we are enjoying seeing other people!

So ... what about you?

My online life: http://www.mellowood.ca
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 2580

« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2020, 07:13:28 AM »

Sounds like you have an interesting set up there with plenty to keep you busy.
Personally I feel that not a lot has changed as I have never been one for going out and socialising.
Never 'played out' since 1974! Up until then I was gigging up to 6 nights a week but then I 'retired' from live work.
Everything I do now is on the 'net.
Since this lovely little place here slowed right down I been doing my stuff over at kompoz.com.
There is a massive world-wide community there in every imaginable style of music and at every level of proficiency.
Always enough going on to ward off boredom.
Stay safe.

Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 1458

« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2020, 04:59:57 PM »

Well, it sounds like you are still enjoying your musical life, etc. Just like me ... and that's great. The main reason I started this topic was that I was tired of hearing people moan about how their precious schedules (and, I guess, incomes) have been buggered due to this virus. My feeling is that one just needs to deal with the hand we're dealt and get on with the best life (and music!) we can make.

My online life: http://www.mellowood.ca
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 5378

Who? Me?

« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2020, 05:28:29 PM »

I'm not doing a great deal musically - but that was true before the pandemic anyway. A group of us used to have pub lunch-time meet-ups and generally have a good old chin-wag about everything - even music sometimes Smiley

These days we have fortnightly private Zoom meets. This works out very well indeed as it means some of our friends in foreign parts can join in too.

With more time spent at home, I've also been making serious (and overdue) improvements to the garden.

If you have a poem, I have a tune, and we exchange these, we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
- Will
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 4417

« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2020, 06:47:54 PM »

I've been working on my yard and gardens.   I was making some music but my music computer died and I have been working on it.  However everything that I tried didn't work so it looks like I have to take it to a computer store.  That would be only the second time I couldn't solve a computer problem in about 10 years.

I also have been helping my wife a lot.  Last fall she fell and broke her hip and that recovery time takes quite a while.

Lastly we had to put my aunt in a nursing home.  I am her P.O.A. so I've been trying to figure out all of her finances, selling her house, paying her bills, and taking her stuff to the nursing home.  This has been taking up a lot of my time.

The older I get the better I was!
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 1022

« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2020, 04:26:57 AM »

In as much as I would like to get back into writing music,I have just been utterly destitute...inspiration-wise.I want to get back into it,but in the last 3 years,I lost both of my parents,lost my cat to cancer and my ex-girlfriend committed suicide....so I have been trying to manage my grief,with not much success.My disability has worsened considerably,so my limited mobility is such to where I can no longer get around without relying on a walker & taking Ubers to run errands.
All that said,I am trying to find some balance in my life & get into a good place mentally,so I can function again.It saddens me that I have all the free time in the world to make music and yet,the last thing I feel like doing is trying to clear my head & sit down in front of my computer to write. 
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